Thursday, August 30, 2012


Blizzard Entertainment inc. Is a company that is was founded way back in 1991, the company oddly did not celebrate its 20th birthday last year and did not send out birthday greetings by mail to inform us about this event (unless I missed it). this might be due to the fact that the company blizzard didnt exist untill much later, the original name is named below, if that is the case then blizzard will probaly celebrate its 20th anniversarie that its actually named like this and send out birthday greetings accordingly by mail and probaly have some event and competition as a celebration.

let us hope its the last because it would be a shame because a 20th anniversaries is something that’s worth mentioning and I would have appreciated birthday greetings, concerning this as probably a lot of people would have liked to know.

In either case blizzard was originally founded under the name of Silicon & Synapse (whoever invented that name). they were taken over by Davidson & Associates and later by the company Vivendi.

Over the years blizzard succeeded in creating several different major franchises that where very successful and a mmo based on 1 of them, however since I already talked about wow on another wordpress ill focus my discussion in the following pages in 2 other very successful games and its sequels, namely starcraft & Diablo. Obviously they are not the only 3 games that where made but they are more than probably the 3 most successful stories of this company.

A few games blizzard made outside the top 3 where; the lost Vikings 2 (they made the first game before they changed the company name), blackthorn, well that’s about it really, and they have a secret project in development of which the project name is Titan and is supposed to be a MMO.

The speculations for this secret project go back asfar as 2007, it was confirmed back in 2008 that it was infact a new game not a expansion of another game when they where trying to recruit programmers for this top secret project, at the 2011 dice summit they spoke about the project in very broad terms and explained that they believe it can co-exist with the current MMO, it’s a next gen MMO, at the 2011 blizzcon they stated that there roughly 90developers artwork on this project and that is it close to entering full production so expect more info over the course of 2012 and 2013 and hopefully we all find out what its actually about soon enough. I’m pretty curious about the whole project.

But to go further I will discus 2 existing franchises from blizzard while we wait for this secret project to be revealed we can see what they already did in the past.

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